I joined RADAR as COO, where we built category-defining products, including RELAY (one of the first DEXs), REDSHIFT (cross-chain Lightning Network exchange), DEPLOY (NodeOps), an enterprise-grade staking infrastructure platform, and a DeFi/MEV focused proprietary trading desk.
At RADAR, I oversaw all operations, including treasury and balance sheet management, legal, accounting, and finance; but these weren't your run-of-the-mill startup operations. "Treasury management" meant handling digital wallets full of digital assets no one had ever heard of, let alone traded or managed. "Legal" involved operating within the laws of an industry so nascent that rules didn't really exist. "Accounting" entailed extracting transaction data from block explorers and calculating credits and debits for an unfamiliar asset class.
We attracted various rounds of venture capital investment from prestigious investors before eventually being acquired by Blockcap. Within a month, Blockcap was acquired by Core Scientific. At Core Scientific, one of North America's largest publicly traded digital asset miners, I supported strategic initiatives as Senior VP of Strategy and sat on the Investment Committee.